Sangeeta Sandrasegar works within a research-based practice, building narratives across projects in various forms spanning, drawing, painting, sculpture and installation. Her artworks consolidate postcolonial thinking, exploring life in Australia and the relationship between migrant communities and homelands, using her biographical experience as a lens and position of perspective.
The practice has consistently engaged with shadow as a conceptual and symbolic motif for these themes and to consider ideas of form, elucidation and visibility in contrast to darkness, eclipsed and marginalised presences. These fluctuating and ephemeral visual effects address the ambiguous status of individuals caught in a complex social structure of obscured histories and contemporary realities.
The Open Call Artists in Residence will undertake their residencies from 10 February to 17 April 2025 and receive a $500 stipend. They will present their work in an exhibition in the ATW Project Space Gallery during their residencies.